Graduation Ceremony Ghodabadi

Graduation Ceremony Ghodabadi

The PHDP work was initiated at Ghodabadi community in Oct,2017 by HDF Sanjeev. Today, after 5 years, the community of Ghodabadi has successfully graduated in terms of PHDP guidelines and stages. To celebrate the success of the community, the Graduation ceremony meeting was conducted on 29th of November, 2022.  Graduation ceremony symbolizes that the community […]

Graduation Ceremony Khilapadar

Graduation Ceremony Khilapadar

After 7 years, the community of Khilapadar has successfully graduated in terms of completion of all PHDP levels/stages. The three objectives of PHDP are achieved in the Khilapadar village. Now the community people have raised their consciousness level, the leaders are capable of resolving community issues by themselves, they are organized and they have a […]

Victory celebration meeting (Kulicamp)

Victory celebration meeting (Kulicamp)

  A victory celebration meeting was held on November 22nd, 2022 in Kulicamp village to celebrate issue resolution through a Participatory Human Development Process(PHDP). The success is achieved through continuous meetings, mobilization to offices/agencies, and doing follow ups.  The people of Kulicamp have tackled many issues such as  no electricity,   unhealthy method of cooking, inability […]

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