
Cheers to Nandabadi Asha Group!

The PHDP program was initiated in Nandabadi,  in 2016 through MGS. In the first meeting with the facilitation of MGS staff, village people identified 18 issues and they were facing different problems. Some of the issues in the village were poor housing conditions, no potable drinking water, poor road condition, no electricity, no community hall, no funeral home, insufficient sources of income, no street lights in the village, no irrigation system, etc. 

The community people tackled those issues through the PHD process and took action with the facilitation of MGS staff. They mobilized to different government and non- government agencies  and accessed free housing funds, a concrete road,  a solar water system,  solar street lights, community meeting hall, funeral home, income generating (goat raising) projects, etc. They resolved their issues through a participatory development process. 

During the seven years of time they mobilized with different offices and they exposed themselves with the government offices. They gained knowledge and skills on mobilization, conducting meetings, writing proposals and request letters. They formed one Community Based Organization named Nandabadi Asha group. With the facilitation of the Human Development Facilitator (HDF) and the efforts of the ASHA group leaders, the community has achieved significant progress. Regular meetings are attended and conducted by the people, who actively engage with agencies and offices to secure funds and grants for project development.

Through increased awareness and improved skills, the ASHA group has become capable of independently managing the community’s needs, without relying on support from external organizations such as MGS and OI. They have successfully mastered the PHDP process and achieved self-sustainability. As a result, a turnover ceremony meeting was held on June 19th, 2023, to officially transfer the responsibility of the village from the HDF to the ASHA group leaders, ensuring a sustainable future.

During the meeting, the accomplishments of the past seven years were discussed, and plans and strategies were developed for the community’s future development. Village leaders shared their experiences with the PHDP, including mobilizing support from offices, drafting request letters, submitting proposals, and securing grants. The Director of MGS delivered a motivational speech and presented the village leaders with all the record books and a photo album. As a symbolic gesture the director of MGS handed over a tree seedling to the ASHA Group for sustaining the PHDP in their village & practicing it in the future too!