Graduation Ceremony Ghodabadi 29Nov

Graduation Ceremony Ghodabadi

The PHDP work was initiated at Ghodabadi community in Oct,2017 by HDF Sanjeev. Today, after 5 years, the community of Ghodabadi has successfully graduated in terms of PHDP guidelines and stages. To celebrate the success of the community, the Graduation ceremony meeting was conducted on 29th of November, 2022. 

Graduation ceremony symbolizes that the community people  have now raised their consciousness level. The leaders are capable of resolving  community issues  by themselves. They are united and organized. Last 5 years through the Participatory Human Development Process they resolved 16 community issues. They mobilized to the different resource agencies and accessed Potable water, irrigation system, solar street light, electricity connection to the houses, elder and widow pension cards, concrete road in the street and to the school,  ration cards, meeting hall, corn cultivation project, LPG with kit, fish farming pond, Covid food assistance,plantation project, literacy project, home lot titles and etc. Through this process a total of 67 households and 330 people are getting benefits.

During the meeting they prepared a strategic plan for three years to resolve all the remaining issues and sustain the ongoing projects. The participants shared their reflections and their experiences following the PHD process during the last 5 years. They thanked Outreach International and MGS for all their support. 

To symbolize the leaders and the community peoples commitment to follow the PHDP steps, the president of MGS handed over a plant to the leaders during the ceremony.