Victory celebration meeting (Kulicamp) 22Nov

Victory celebration meeting (Kulicamp)

  A victory celebration meeting was held on November 22nd, 2022 in Kulicamp village to celebrate issue resolution through a Participatory Human Development Process(PHDP). The success is achieved through continuous meetings, mobilization to offices/agencies, and doing follow ups. 

The people of Kulicamp have tackled many issues such as  no electricity,   unhealthy method of cooking, inability to access identity proof,insufficient sources of income, lack of drinking water, inability to provide proof of employment eligibility, inability to access subsidized rice, inability to access elders and widow pension etc.

Through PHD Kulicamp people mobilized to the resource agencies and accessed  Tube wells, electricity connection to the villages, street lights, LPG kits, Job cards and Aadhar cards, income generating projects such as small shop and goat/sheep projects, ration cards, government assistance to the elders and widows and Covid food assistance etc.

During the meeting they reviewed the work they had done through the PHD process and  appreciated their leaders and themselves. Many participants shared their reflections and their experiences. They also appreciated Outreach International and the Ministry of Good Samaritan for supporting their community.