
22nd April, Earth Day Celebration, Ghodabadi


“Let’s us not wait for other to change, but let’s us be the change to save our mother earth” 

With this thought and as a part of ‘Earth Day’ celebrations, NGO MGS organized a Tree Plantation Drive at Ghodabadi village, Rayagada on 22nd April following all the major protocols of covid 19 as per government guidelines. This drive was supported by the Ghodabadi community who for the first time were part of such a drive. The villagers planted the saplings & wholeheartedly enjoyed the process and pledged to take care of their new possession by regularly watering these plants. MGS staff members discussed with the community people on how trees help in balancing the ecosystem and are an essential part of our life cycle. This plantation drive was a fun event for the community that also taught them the value of a clean and green environment.

MGS has been actively promoting greenery, and organizing such events to play its part in fighting global warming and pollution. There were air purifying trees planted, all varied , ranging from banyan, Cashew trees to fruit bearing trees like mango, guava and Jackfruit trees. Mother Earth needs more and more volunteers to come forward, plant trees and encourage others to create a healthier, cleaner future for generations to come. 

 We at MGS believe that our actions are a reflection towards the nature and for coming generations. So let’s take a good action by starting afforestation however we can so that later we and our generation will not suffer. By conducting this event, we have ignited the spark in them to carry this light of a pollution-free, clean environment throughout their lives. “Let’s heal the world for better today and tomorrow”.