
From a Migrant Labourer to Livestock Entrepreneur

Where MGS is working the 80% of people are below the poverty line and 90% of people are tribal. One of the major issues these people have been facing is insufficient sources of income. People in these communities are dependent on seasonal labor work, for this reason, they sometimes migrate to other states in search of work. These underprivileged communities people are sometimes exploited and harassed by their employers and are often paid less money for their work. Due to not having any feasible alternative these people had to work as a migrant laborer under lower remuneration. MGS has taken this problem seriously and has implemented income-generating projects in 2 of our Field programme locations this Fiscal year. MGS provides financial resources to the Kunjabadi and Khilapadar groups. The beneficiaries purchased the 88 female and 24 male goats with that financial support. Now they have 13 new kids and they are expecting many kids from the female goats. They will raise and fatten those goats and sell them in the market which will be their additional income to their families. Within five years those group members will pay back the amount to the groups, with that money they will extend the project to other beneficiaries. They hope this project will help them to meet their basic needs, bring smile to their families, and stop the people to migrate to other states in search of work.