
Leadership development program to initiate village facilitators

MGS work in communities through Participatory human development process to address and tackle the community issues faced by the rural population at large. Our Human development facilitators facilitate
the people of communities to resolve their issues as well as organize and empower them. MGS cannot stay in the communities always as our goal is to build self reliant, self dependent, self sustainable communities. To achieve this goal MGS creates Community Based Organizations with the interest and support of the community people. The community people elect their leaders to manage the CBO. MGS provide training to the leaders, in order to enhance their skills and capabilities. MGS conducts leadership
training programs to develop their knowledge, attitude, skills of the leaders on various aspects like facilitation of meetings, financial record keeping, project management and conflict management. After getting proper training the leaders became more confident and skillful to resolve their own community issues. Recently MGS has conducted leadership training for 2 Field program locations – Kunjabadi and Utkapadu. During the 3 daylong meeting total 35 community leaders attended the training and developed their knowledge and skills. Now the community led groups are capable to resolve their own issues and managed their community projects.