Khambesu village is located in Guma Panchayat, Rayagada District, Odisha. There are 95 households. The community people are facing various issues. Inability to access identity proof (Aadhaar cards) and inability to access NREGA work(Job cards) are among those issues. Total 86 individuals had no Job cards and were facing problems, while 46 individuals had no Aadhaar cards. As a result, they were deprived of access to government facilities.
The absence of Aadhaar cards has led to difficulties for the villagers in multiple aspects of their lives. They have encountered challenges in obtaining subsidized rice, enlisting for the PM Awas Yojana (a free government housing scheme), opening of bank accounts, and securing their children’s admission into government schools. Additionally, the lack of access to job cards has prevented them from benefiting from Panchayat and Block-level labor works, as well as the NREGA Schemes provided by the government.
With the facilitation of MGS staff, the villagers decided to address these issues. They conducted many meetings with the facilitation of our HDF(Human Development Facilitator). They did role play before going to the different offices and prepared request letters. They mobilized themselves to the Panchayat office and Block offices. They met with officials, explained the situation, and submitted request letters along with all the necessary documents. Through continuous follow-ups, they eventually succeeded in obtaining Job cards and Aadhaar cards.
Now they are happy because they have Aadhaar cards and Job cards. Now they have no problem in opening a bank account, admission of children in the school, access to free housing funds, able to access subsidized rice as well as Block and Panchayat level NREGA work.
To celebrate their success they decided to have a collective meeting in the village. On June 12, 2023, they conducted a victory celebration meeting. In that meeting they shared their reflections. They shared their thoughts on learnings during mobilization: meeting, preparing request letters, performing role-play for mobilization, collecting funds for transportation, following up with officials, and filling out forms and submitting required documents as well as other actions done to obtain Job cards and Aadhaar cards.
During the victory celebration they appreciated themselves, village leaders, and the agencies. Acknowledging the efforts of the village leaders who mobilized to the offices, prepared request letters and also the agencies which helped them to access Job cards and Adhaar cards.